Coffee Date with Jesus

Coffee Date

My quiet time with God often feels like we’re on a comfy couch together sharing a cup of coffee. I love my alone time with Jesus. And like a true friend, God often challenges me to do things I would rather opt out of. And sharing my love story is one of those adventures I wanted to pass on. LOL.

God: It’s time to share your story. 

Me: Ummmm, don’t you think it would make a better love story if I’m already engaged or married to Mr. Darcy? Then I will be able to validate that my love story came true. Right now I’m still in the waiting period, Lord

God: Share your story. There are women who need to know that waiting for their Mr. Wonderful is hard but it is so worth the wait.

Me: Ummmm, can I have sometime to think about it? Cause this feels like you are taking me into the deep ocean, pushing me out of the boat and saying now swim.

Just keeping it real Jesus.

I’m freaking out a little here.  You’re calling me to be really vulnerable Lord. And I’m not to sure if I want to put all my business out in the streets.

Not my will but Yours be done. Can we talk about it at Allume? Cause right now I want to scream NO, but I also want to walk in obedience.

God: Still want you to share your testimony but I will wait. 

Like any girl who is freaking out about what God is calling her to do, I shared my prayer request with my tribe. I asked that I would have ears to hear and that would take the step of faith if need be. I also asked that God would give me the name for the new blog and the courage to write again.

And then it happen, I was sitting at an Allume workshop and the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear call it Marveled by His Love.

Really? Surely that name has to be gone by now. I did a google search and nothing came up. The domain name was still available.

CONFIRMATION it was time to take a leap of faith.

Shaking in my boots, I secured the domain name Marveled by His Love.

Then God sent me a few divine appointments throughout the day where I had to share the new adventures with my tribe. I explained how I love how marveled means astonishment. It was the perfect word to describe how I feel about God’s love for me and the beautiful love letters He sends me. It was the perfect title for my love story.

But the hardest moment came when I admitted to a room filled with married women how hard it is to be single and waiting to be married. How hard it is to go through certain holidays and be reminded that you are yet again alone. How difficult it is not to lose hope in the process.

Fighting back the tears, I said I understand the pain the single women are going through. I understand what it feels like to be brokenhearted and believe that your destined to never love again. I just want to encourage single women not to let go of God’s hand through it all. I want them to know that walking away from God is not worth it and that your greatest love story starts with God.

In that moment, Marveled by His Love was birthed.

Safe Space

It’s my hope that this space will be  a safe haven for women to be encouraged in the waiting period. A place where we can pray together and do life together. A place where we encourage each other to fall deeply and madly in love with God.

Before we say our goodbye for the day, I would like to lift up a quick prayer over us-

Oh Heaven Father, 

Thank you for the courage to share my story and my voice. Thank you that you love each person reading this blog post today. Thank you that you see them and delight in them. Thank you that you are the best matchmaker known to man. Thank you that you bring together people who will last a lifetime together.

Lord we are trusting and believing that you are the author of our love stories. We ask that you give us the strength and the courage to wait on your timing even if all of friends are already married with children. We pray that we will not try to manipulate circumstances on guys we have a crush to make them appear to be our Mr. Wonderful. We pray that we will not become desperate in the waiting and settle  for less than God’s best for our love story. We ask that you bless this space as we begin to build a community here. 

We ask all of this in your son Jesus precious name -AMEN
Photo Credit: Ahmed Rabea via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Ani-Bee via Compfight cc

22 thoughts on “Coffee Date with Jesus

  1. I love it and I can’t wait to see how God is going to use your blog and story to reach so many women in the waiting! Keep chasing after God in oceans deep – He is right there with you! Cheering you on!! GO JESUS GO!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love it! You are amazing and strong! You are definitely an “ordinary angel” that is talked about in the song Karyn sang. I miss you and I will see you in May!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Delonna,
    this step is a sowing. I can imagine how terrifying it was, but now that you’ve done it, you’re a little less afraid. I know there is a warrior in you, and I can’t wait to be marveled by the beautiful work God brings forth through you. I owe you a hug for this, little one. Fist-pumpin’ and shouting hallelujah in the meantime.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Chelle – I will gladly take you up on that hug. Cause this step of faith was scary but I am glad I did it. If my testimony helps someone to hang in there and not let go of God’s hand, then it was worth it. So I’m doing the fist pumpin’ with you girl and can’t wait to see how all of this will unfold. And have I told you lately how much I love my tribe! Super blessed to have you in my life!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Christine – I knew if I waited any longer I would chicken out and act like I didn’t hear the steps that he ordered – LOL

      But the truth of the matter is I want more of him in my life not less. So I choose to be obedient even when I wrestle with him – ROFL. I am so glad I got to hang with you this weekend and laugh my butt off.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful Delonna! I love that you extend the invitation of a safe place in the waiting…that’s so important, so needed, and such a gift. Heaps of blessing on you girl and I pray that you will be marveled by his love in ways you’ve never even dared to imagine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Today was a scary step of faith kind of day when I hit the publish button, so I am overwhelmed by all the love I am receiving today. Thank you so much for being a part of my unexpected blessings.Truly feel honored to have you stop by and cheer me on.


  5. I love that you started a new place online after Allume. You are needed on the interwebz as Logan says. I heard over the weekend, “Every life worth life worth living is worth recording.” And it’s true. You have a valuable story. Thank you for sharing with it with us! 🙂


    • ROFL on the Logan quote 🙂 I can hear saying as I read your comment. LOL. Thanks for encouraging me to be brave and to use my voice. The outpouring of God’s love today is just making me blush. I am humbled and blessed to have you stop by. Thank you!


  6. This is awesome, Delonna! Even as a happily married woman, nothing can replace my Savior’s love. I plan to visit here too and keep being marveled!


  7. Oh girl! This place is beautiful as is your heart!! So excited for the journey God has you…wherever it may lead! Wish I could have been at Allume to hug your neck and hear the stories in person.


    • I wish you could have been there too 🙂 We laughed so hard the entire weekend. We were comedy central everywhere we went. LOL. I hope this place helps others find their tribe – cause mines is pretty AMAZING! Super blessed to be doing life with you girl! Sending you a virtual {{{hug}}}


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