Can We Talk?


Heavenly Father,

Lord I love my friends especially the ones who are brave enough to have those hard conversations with me. Lord I recognized I’m a strong willed daughter who has to feel like she has a choice in the matter. Lord I recognize that out of spite I sometimes will do the opposite of what I should do to prove a point. Lord I realize my pride can sometimes come before wisdom. So Lord when my friends started to approach me about my recent life decision I was flattered by the gentleness they used to help me out of my comfort zone.  Lord it was like when you break up with the wrong guy and your girlfriends finally take a deep breath and say I knew he wasn’t the one for you.  LOL.  Lord thank you for their boldness and willingness to speak the truth over me.

Lord thank you for sending me friends who want to see me grow and not stay in my comfort zone. Thank you Lord for the friends who have been sending verses and Ted-Talks, and words of encouragement. Each message felt like a love letter from you. All the messages had the same theme, I’ve created you for more than what you are currently doing. I love that you love me that much God that you send me messages from unexpected routes. Lord please bless each person who prayed over my circumstance and gave words of wisdom. Lord continue to use them in mighty ways for they are truly in sync with the Holy Spirit. Lord I pray you will continue to move mountains in their lives. Lord send them special love letters that remind them how much you love them. Lord I am truly blessed beyond measure and thank you for the amazing prayer warriors in my life. I ask all of this in Jesus name – AMEN

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