Jesus is a Hugger


Lord Jesus,

Thank you for being a hugger even though I’m not. Lord thank you for stretching me and growing me in this area. Lord it is such a part of the Christian community to greet each other with hugs. Lord  I thank you for those moments when I’ve been praying with someone and I ask can I give you a hug? The words always shock me when they come out of my mouth but then I say in my mind “Jesus is a Hugger”.  For the person receiving the hug, it is such a tender moment between our souls. Jesus thank you showing me when a hug is necessary.

Lord, thank you for teaching us how a hug can brighten a person’s day and make them feel connected to the world. Lord thank you for those moments when words of encouragement come to mind that also require a hug. Lord it is such a breath taking moment to whisper your loving words in their ear. Lord thank you for the privilege to remind others that they are loved and seen by you. Lord thank you for those deep bear hugs while someone is crying out and sobbing to you. Lord in that moment it feels like you came down from heaven to give me a hug.

Holy Spirit thank you for prompting me to ask can I give you a hug? Lord there is healing in touching someone and letting them know you care. Holy Spirit thank you for speaking through me to directly touch their heart. Lord continue to make me feel uncomfortable so the other person can feel the loving arms of Christ. Lord I pray for those who need a hug today that you will honor them with a Jesus bear hug. Lord thank you for loving us and holding us even in those yucky moments. Holy Spirit thank you for those spiritual hugs when no one is there to physically give me a hug. I can feel your presence and it feels my heart with such adoration. Lord continue to transform us to be more like you and less like the world. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus – AMEN